
2023年3月6日—IcreatedafewuserpersonatemplatesinFigmaforProductManagersandUXdesigners/researchers,completelyfreetouse.,userpersonatemplatepluginsandfilesfromFigma.Explore,installandusefilesandpluginsonFigmaCommunity.,Fileresultsfor#userpersona;UserPersonaTemplatebySarojShahi.1.1k.83.4k;UX/UserPersonasby.UXISand1other.198.11.8k;UserPersonaFree ...,Createacomprehensivecustomerpersonatemplateandbr...

5 free User Persona Templates in Figma

2023年3月6日 — I created a few user persona templates in Figma for Product Managers and UX designers/researchers, completely free to use.

Top Resources tagged as user persona template

user persona template plugins and files from Figma. Explore, install and use files and plugins on Figma Community.

Top Files tagged as user persona

File results for #user persona ; User Persona Templateby Saroj Shahi. 1.1k. 83.4k ; UX / User Personasby. UXIS and 1 other. 198. 11.8k ; User Persona Free ...

Free User Persona Template

Create a comprehensive customer persona template and bring your entire team to the drawing board. Sketch on shared whiteboards, play around with prompts and ...

Top Files tagged as user persona template

user persona template plugins and files from Figma. Explore, install and use files and plugins on Figma Community.

User Persona Free Template

Personas template to create a fictional character outlining persona's needs, goals, interests, pain points. We will release 30+ additional workshop and ...

User Persona Template

I had created a user persona template while working on a project and thought It would be a good idea to share it in the community. This will atleast save ...

User Persona Free Templates

More than 7+ ready to use templates for your projects. Save time on your project! Use this free template to create a quick, visually stunning user persona for ...